Kamis, 09 Februari 2017




Lecture : Irvan Yoga Pardistya, SE., MM., Ak

By :

Armike Febtinugraini           1610631030049



            Thankyou almighty God, who has given His bless to the writer for finishing this assignment about bank and financial institution. Thankyou for Mr. Irvan Yoga Pardistya, SE., MM., Ak who given the writer the lesson of Money.Thankyou for my parents who given the writer strong support.
            Hopefully we as a student in “State Singaperbangsa Karawang University” can work more professional by using English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

Armike Febtinugraini

NPM : 1610631030049

       1. Introduction

            One of the great mysteries and elegant features of the financial system in general and of the banking sector in particular. Is the creation of of new money. The largerst component of the money stock, bank deposits, is literally created by accounting entries, and the amount created of the growth rate “allowed” is the territory marked by the central bank whose main function is the implementation of monetary policy. The latter expression means “a policy on money”

            Why must there be a “policy on money”? it is because it is a relationship between the growth rate in the money stock and pice developments (the rate of inflation). This relationship is not even debated any longer. (except by some diehards) and there is much evidence to support the strong relationship, the latest being the rate of inflation (a few quintilion million percent per annum, the highest in the history of the world) in a particular African country that has resulted from the excessive creation of money. (in this case government borrowwing from the banking sector and the printing of bank notes). The highest denomination bank notes in this country was ZWD 100 trillion (this was after 13 zero’s had already been lopped off the currency).

            What are the consequences of inflation? The consequences are profound in terms of the destruction of economic growth and employment when inflation is high. 

            The consequences of even slight excesses in money growth (15–20%) can be severe, such as occurred in  the developed world in 2007–2009. The cause (excessive money stock growth) took place for a number of years prior to the consequences being felt, and these consequences were inevitable to many who keep an eye on world money growth.

            What is too high money stock growth? It is when money growth (which reflects additional demand for goods and services) exceeds the country’s ability to satisfy the additional demand in terms of production capacity (i.e. capacity, being “sticky”, cannot keep up with rapidly rising demand). When this happens worldwide, balances of payments become skewed, currencies become volatile and inflation occurs worldwide, as evidenced in the increasing costs of transport and food. 

            The reaction of the central banks of the world to this situation is to raise interest rates, and it is this that can trigger large-scale defaulting on loans (particularly in the case of sub-prime borrowers). This can lead to large-scale banking solvability issues and government bailouts (as happened in 2007–2009).

           What underlies money growth? In the main it is bank loan growth, and banks are able to create loans / credit at will to satisfy demand (and money as a consequence), assuming the borrower is creditworthy / the project funded is sound. This rests on the fact that the public generally accepts bank deposits as the main means of payments / medium of exchange. The issue of creditworthiness / project-soundness is critical: because some banks evidence promiscuity in this regard, the banking system is inherently unstable. It is the job of the central bank to ensure financial system stability and therefore to curb the growth rate in bank loans / credit (and its counterpart money) and this they do via the manipulation of interest rates. These critical issues are the subject of this text, which we cover in the following sections:

       ·         What is money?
       ·         Measures of money.
       ·         Monetary banking institutions.
       ·         Money and its role.
       ·         Uniqueness of banks.
       ·         The cash reserve requirement.
       ·         Money creation does not start with a bank receiving a deposit.
       ·         Money creation is not dependent on a cash reserve requirement.
       ·         There is no such thing as a money “supply”.
       ·         The money identity and the creation of money.
       ·         Role of the central bank in money creation.
       ·         How does a central bank maintain a bank liquidity shortage?

       2.      What is Money?

            What is money? Money is anything that complies with the following criteria:
       ·         Medium of exchange.
       ·         Store of value.
       ·         Unit of account.
       ·         Standard of deferred payment.

            The best example of the total erosion of these criteria in a currency is the currency of the country referred to earlier (with the highest inflation rate ever recorded). In 2009 the stage was reached when the particular currency was no longer accepted as a medium of exchange, a store of value, a unit of account or a standard of deferred payment. The mediums of exchange in this country became the USD and the ZAR. Inflation fell to low numbers almost instantaneouslyIt will be evident that of the four criteria, medium of exchange is paramount, and the other criteria are subordinated to this one. Consequently, we can think of money being anything that is accepted as a means of payments / medium of exchange

       So what is the medium of exchange? It made up of two parts:
       ·         Bank notes (usually issued by the central bank) and coins (usually issued by the central bank and in some cases by government) (N&C).
       ·         Bank deposits (BD).

            Bank notes and coins are well known as a medium of exchange; we use them every day to make purchases and to repay debts. However, bank deposits acting as a medium of exchange is often a little confusing. Consider how many payments are made by bank cheques (diminishing fast) and electronic funds transfers (EFTs). When an EFT payment is made (best example = internet banking) the payer’s deposit account at the bank is debited (made less by the amount) and the payee’s deposit account at the bank is credited (added to). Similarly, a payment by cheque results in the cheque writer’s deposit account being debited and the cheque receiver’s account being credited (when s/he deposits the cheque of course).

            Money is not the EFT or the cheque. They are merely instruments that lead to the shifting of a deposit amount from one bank account to another. The deposit is money, as is N&C. Thus the total stock of money (M3 – see below) at a point in time is the total amount of N&C and BD in the possession of individuals and companies:
     M3 = N&C + BD.

            The individuals and companies can be called the “non-bank private sector” (NBPS11). This of course excludes money in the possession of banks (= N&C), the foreign sector and government deposits. Figure 1 endeavours to provide an image of “what is money?

       3.      Measures of money

            We know that N&C can be used immediately for payments. We also know that current / cheque account (and some other) deposits can be used as such. We also know that other deposits can be used as money after a short notice period, and so on.The central banks of the world have developed many definitions of money, ranging from M0 to M4. In the interests of pedagogy (overlook detail and stick with principles) we will use the definition of money M3. This includes N&C all BD of the NBPS. We will not be far off the mark in terms of liquidity because for the most part NBPS bank deposits are short-term.

            It is notable that in most developed countries NBPS BD makes up 96–98% of M3 (and N&C the balance of course). In some developing countries this number can be quite low, indicating a low confidence level in respect of banks.

Prof. Dr. AP Faure, Banking : An Introduction, Quoin Institute, 2013, page 41-45